Tuesday, August 28, 2007

We got up at 1:30 am to watch the eclipse. It was really cold out! We mostly stayed in, just going out to check every 10 or 15 minutes. We watched until it reached totality, around 3am, then went back to bed because we had to get back up at 7 to go for kidlet's eye appt. We're POOPED today. But it was cool. He and his older brother are so different. I tried the staying up late or getting up in the middle of the night thing with older son a few times, when he was young, and it never worked - he just couldn't be woken up or stay up and stay happy - he'd be so cranky, everyone would be miserable along with him. I think he's grown out of that. :) Kidlet is just ridiculously cheerful - even when I went in at 1:30, I just started talking to him about the moon, and he half woke up and said "loon", which was a reference to the book he just read, Un Lun Dun by China Mieville. It was fun - we chatted and read our books and cruised TV a bit - found a documentary on South Africa and talked apartheid at 2 in the morning.

The cat thought we were crazy.